Early Years
Phonics and Early Reading Policy
Please Click Here for Policy
Our Early Years Foundation Stage is for children aged three to five years old in Class 1. The curriculum for these children is planned by qualified and experienced teachers, and is line with the Early Years Framework.
Children can join our Nursery class in the term after they turn three years old and all are entitled provision of 15 hours a week. Although Nursery is not mandatory. It is aimed at children in the year before joining school.
The law states that a child must start school in the year in which he/she turns five, and they join our Reception cohort.
At Markington School, our EYFS is well equipped and planned to ensure children have the best start to school and build a firm foundation for their further education: 'A love of Learning Grows Here'.
EYFS Text Map
Our EYFS text map outlines the text coverage for the year including quality texts, traditional tales, nursery rhymes and predictable texts. Please click here.
In addition we produce a half-termly Class Texts document - which we share with children and parents - and includes the texts from our text map as well as high-quality texts linked to our curriculum focus. Please see below to see examples of these. Click here to see the half termly text maps for EYFS.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage, saying and learning poems (particularly when clapping/actions are added) can help children to develop early language and literacy skills, which form the foundations for future years.
We have planned different types of poetry for our Early Years' children to explore, create and perform. Through enjoying rhymes, poems and songs, and reciting poems or parts of longer poems together as a class, teachers can build children’s strong emotional connection to language.
The image below shows the progression from Nursery to Reception.
Early Years' Curriculum Overview
The document below shows our overarching topics.
We updated our curriculum to reflect current guidance, and in response to the needs of children post-covid – and our curriculum reflects this. This curriculum was implemented from September 2022.
Please find below our termly Nursery progression map - which outlines how children's knowledge and skills are built in small steps towards expected 'end points' for each term.
Please find below our Reception progression map which outlines how children build progressively on the foundations from Nursery, in preparation for KS1.
Year A/C Half-Termly Overview
Year B/D Half-Termly Overview
The Fire Brigade Visit

Power Maths
Power Maths is a UK curriculum mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and nurture confidence in maths.
- The only mastery programme perfectly aligned to the White Rose Maths progressions and schemes of learning.
- Written specifically for UK curriculum classrooms by leading mastery experts from around the world and recommended by the UK’s Department for Education.
- An enriched approach that cleverly combines interactive teaching tools, rich and quality textbooks and practice books.
- A continuous and embedded approach to teacher support and professional development throughout.
- Built around a child‑centred lesson design that models and embeds a growth mindset approach to maths and focuses on helping all children to build a deep understanding of maths concepts.
- Half‑termly and end of year tests to reliably track your children’s progress against Age Related Expectations.

Understanding maths through play and provision
At Markington Primary School we understand the need for children to develop their knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts through hands-on learning experiences and play throughout all provision areas, inside and outdoors. We do this by creating an environment that offers open-ended opportunities for children to observe, respond to and build on their own knowledge and interests. For example children can collect, organise, count, weigh, compare, measure, identify and create through focussed activities, supported and independent learning opportunities were communication and language is continuously developed.