Geography Curriculum Intent
At Markington Primary School we believe that the skills of geographical enquiry, alongside a knowledge and understanding of different cultures, people and places, provides children with a strong sense of selfidentity, self-esteem and an empathy and understanding for people throughout the world. Through engaging lessons teaching we teach children about ‘being a geographer’ and enable them to develop knowledge and skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas. We seek to inspire curiosity and fascination about the world and its people, which will remain with children for the rest of their lives. Our curriculum promotes the importance of this for their future, and it begins in the Early Years. Here, within the provision areas and through explicit teaching, children learn about their local environment and the wider world, building their knowledge progressively through a carefully constructed curriculum which enables children to develop a deeper understanding of people and places around the world. Alongside this, children build the geographical skills for reading maps/ atlases/globes and learn to use computer software to enhance their learning. Class texts support and enhance geographical learning and children’s SMSC, as they learn about life in other places, and contrast this with their own, providing opportunites for children to develop the abilty to celebrate difference and diversity, through rooted knowledge. Teachers plan meaningful revisits to embed learning, and use cross-curricular links to help children make connections between events, people and places. Responding to events in the news, locally, nationally and globally, enables teachers use their professional knowledge to strengthen children’s understanding and deepen their learning, by making links between people, places and events.
Through our teaching of Geography we aim to:
- provide opportunities for children to investigate geographical issues using wide-ranging resources.
- explicitly teach the skills of enquiry and interpretation of information
- provide opportunities for children to investigate place in a local, national and international context
- provide opportunities for children to investigate environmental change and sustainable development
- Provide opportunities for children to investigate patterns and processes
- To foster a love of writing and a recognition of its value.
- To develop a wide vocabulary.
- To express their ideas, emotions and views, clearly, through written and spoken language.
Geography in the EYFS
Our geography curriculum begins in the Early Years’ where our children are taught to:
· Talk about some of the things they have observed such as plants, animals, natural and found objects,
· Ask questions about aspects of their familiar world or the natural world and some of the things they have observed such as plants and animals,
· Explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants, describing what they see, hear, feel whilst outside,
· Understand more about growth, decay and changes over time,
· Identify features of living things such as animals with legs or those with wings,
· They will know some similarities and differences between the natural world around them and contrasting environments, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class,
· They will understand some important processes and changes in the world around them, including the seasons and changing states of matter
Our children are exposed to a range of geographical questioning and thinking that we embed learning through providing opportunities within our provision and revisiting prior learning and skills which will prepare them for KS1.
Geography Policy - click here
Planning Documents
End Points- Substantive Knowledge
Progression of Knowledge
Class 1
Class 2
Geography in our local area

This topic covered:
- Tree identification
- Land use analysis
- Our plans to develop the land
First we looked at our chosen Lake District mountain, focusing on the contours. Next we made a contour model. After we had a structure, we built on this with modrock. The next stage was to make the mountain look realistic. We then labelled the mountain features on our mountain. Our model also shows the water cycle over our mountain.